
This procedure was used to create a Jumpstart server on a Sun Ultra5. I need to be able to initially boot clients on my network from the Jumpstart server as well as install a Solaris image.

I've installed Solaris 10 to my jumpstart server, but I understand the procedure would be the same for older versions.

[ Note : this is a working FAQ – so may change as I refine this procedure until I'm satisfied it works. ]

In this case, the clients I want to boot are on the same network segment as the jumpstart server, so I can make the jumpstart server also responsible for booting my clients. Otherwise, I would need a separate boot server on the clients network segment.

First, we need to ensure that the following services are running on the jumpstart server: –

  • NFS
  • in.rarpd
  • tftp

In solaris 10, you can start tftp by uncommenting the tftp entry in /etc/inet/inetd.conf then issuing the "inetconv" command.

To enable in.rarpd in Solaris 10 use the command "svcadm enable svc:/network/rarp:default".

On my jumpstart server, NFS was already running after the install of Solaris 10.

My jumpstart server hostname is "sandpit-rep" and it's IP address is

Now we need to create a directory where we will put the Solaris o/s images.

mkdir /export/install

Now we install a Solaris 8 image and create the boot server. Insert a Solaris 8 CD1 (of 2) into the jumpstart server and do the following: –

cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_8/Tools
./setup_install_server /export/install

When this has finished, eject the CD and insert Solaris 8 CD2 (of 2) and do the following: –

cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_8/Tools
./add_to_install_server /export/install

When finished, eject the CD, and re-insert Solaris8 CD1 (of 2).

Next we'll create a directory for our jumpstart configuration and create the sysidcfg file.

mkdir /export/config
vi /export/config/sysidconf

Add the following to the sysidconf file: –

network_interface=primary {protocol-ipv6=no netmask=}

At this point I need to know details of the first client I want to use my jumpstart server.

hostname : sandpit-u5
IP address :
ether address (MAC) : 8:0:20:a9:5:c7

Ensure the following entry is in /etc/hosts   sandpit-u5

Ensure the following entry is in /etc/ethers

8:0:20:a9:5:c7 sandpit-u5

Now lets create a rules file to fetch the profile dependant on the hostname of our client.

vi /etc/config/rules

Add the following to the rules file: –

hostname sandpit-u5 – profile1 –

Now we add our profile file which is called to specify how our client is installed.

vi /etc/config/profile1

Add the following to the profile1 file.

install_type   initial_install
system_type   standalone
partitioning   explicit
filesys   c0t0d0s0   free   /
filesys   c0t0s0d1   128   swap
cluster   SUNWCXall

We have to validate the rules file with a utility we need to copy from the Solaris tools directory.

cp /export/install/Solaris_8/Tools/jumpstart_examples/check /export/config

Now run the check utility: –

cd /export/config

We can now specify our install client (sandpit-u5) to the jumpstart server using the following: –

cd /export/install/Solaris_8/Tools
./add_install_client -c sandpit-rep:/export/config -p \ 
 sandpit-rep:/export/config sandpit-u5 sun4u

We also need to ensure that our jumpstart config and install directories are NFS exported by creating the following entries in /etc/dfs/dfstab: –

add share -F NFS -o ro,anon=0 /export/install
add share -F NFS -o ro,anon=0 /export/config

And enable the shares using the "shareall" command.

Now we should be able to network boot our client (sandpit-u5) by accessing the OBP and using the "boot net – install" command. The server should boot from the jumpstart server and start the Solaris installation process.

About troyski

I'm a freelance UNIX engineer working in the UK. I'm married to Tina and between us we have six children. I'm a bit of an Apple fan boy, and all the Windows machines in the house are a thing of the past now.

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