
In this instance I am using quite an old version of TWS (Tivoli Workload Scheduler), previously called Maestro. I need to identify all jobs that might be sending files to a specific server, and whilst I could trawl through the Maestro GUI, one job at a time, I found it easier to send all the output to a file so I can use vi to search for what I want.

Log in a as a user able to run composer. In my case this is "maestro".

We next need to stop Maestro from stopping output that goes over a page. We dont need the pages breaks. You can do this by setting the following: –


Now we need to set a variable that tells composer where to send any offline output.

export MAESTROLP=">/tmp/output.txt"

If you want to append to a file use ">>" instead of the ">".

Now we can run any composer display commands using the offline command to tell composer to send the output to the MAESTROLP location.


To send all schedules/jobs to our MAESTROLP location for a server called "picard" we can use: –

composer display sched=picard#@ offline

To send all schedules starting with "BI" to out location use: –

composer display sched=BI@ offline

You get the idea.

About troyski

I'm a freelance UNIX engineer working in the UK. I'm married to Tina and between us we have six children. I'm a bit of an Apple fan boy, and all the Windows machines in the house are a thing of the past now.

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