
The method for setting up password-less public-key authentication between Solaris servers running Tectia ssh2 is different from other methods and described below: –

The objective here is to allow my first solaris server (server_a) to ssh to my second solaris server (server_b) without me having to enter a password. I have the username 'troyski' set up on both servers.

On server_a log in as 'troyski'


This creates two files in ~/.ssh2 ; 'id_dsa_2048_a' and 'id_dsa_2048_a.pub'. First lets rename these to something more useful that doesn't get mixed up with any other keys.

mv id_dsa_2048_a troyski_server_a
mv id_dsa_2048_a.pub troyski_server_a.pub

Now create a file in ~/.ssh2 called identification and include the following entry: –

IdKey troyski_server_a

Create a file in ~/.ssh2 called authorization and include the following entry: –

key troyski_server_b.pub

Now we copy our public key to server_b….

cat /export/home/troyski/.ssh2/troyski_server_a.pub | ssh troyski@server_b 'cat – >> /export/home/troyski/.ssh2/troyski_server_a.pub'

Now log on to finland and change to the ~/.ssh2 directory where you should see the 'troyski_server_a.pub" file.

Run the ssh-keygen command and again move the resulting files to something easier.

mv id_dsa_2048_a troyski_server_b
mv id_dsa_2048_a.pub troyski_server_b.pub

Now create a file in ~/.ssh2 called identification and include the following entry: –

IdKey troyski_server_b

Create a file in ~/.ssh2 called 'authorization' and add the entry: –

key troyski_server_a.pub

Again, lets copy server_b's pub key to server_a

cat /export/home/troyski/.ssh2/troyski_server_b.pub | ssh troyski@server_a 'cat – >> /export/home/troyski/.ssh2/troyski_server_b.pub'

Having done all this, ssh from either server should allow access without prompting for a password.

About troyski

I'm a freelance UNIX engineer working in the UK. I'm married to Tina and between us we have six children. I'm a bit of an Apple fan boy, and all the Windows machines in the house are a thing of the past now.

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