Mirroring in DiskSuite v2.0 (the GUI method written by Matt Jenkins)

  1. Create a small new partition of around 4mb on an unused slice for the MetaDB using ‘format’ on the source drive
  2. Create matching sized filesystems on the destination drive using ‘format’ inc adding the MetaDB filesystem
  3. Run Metatool in X
  4. Right-click info on the MetaDB icon and insert the two 4mb
    MetaDB slices you created on both disks but set the number of DB copies
    to be 2 for each (to allow for a Quorum to be created. Click Commit
  5. Click on Concat/Stripe template icon & change name to d
  6. Click on Slices’ button on main window
  7. Drag a configured slice/filesystem for SOURCE DISK only into newly created Concat/Stripe icon. Click Commit
  8. Click on Mirror template icon and change its name to something appropriate eg d103
  9. Drag the Concat/Stripe icon into the Mirror icon (eg drag
    d3 into d103) and click Commit. Ignore warnings about VFSTAB and
    mounted filesystems.
  10. Repeat steps 5 -> 9 for any other filesystems (inc swap but not 3 the Overlay complete disk slice) on the SOURCE Drive
  11. Reboot Server
  12. Restart Metatool and create Concat/Stripe icons for DESTINATION DISK given suitable names such as d13
  13. Drag each Destination Concat/Stripe icon into its
    respective mirror icon from before the reboot. This will give you for
    example d103 is the mirror, d3 is the source filesystem eg /var and d13
    is the empty destination filesystem on the second drive. Click Commit.
    The drives will now synchronise.
  14. All sorted!

About troyski

I'm a freelance UNIX engineer working in the UK. I'm married to Tina and between us we have six children. I'm a bit of an Apple fan boy, and all the Windows machines in the house are a thing of the past now.

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