In ITM, a statistic is reported and alerted on called “Virtual Storage” which is a little misleading to us UNIX admins, because we could take this to mean paging or swap space.

In AIX, it does not mean this though, it means virtual memory, and is not found by looking at lsps or topas/NMON paging statistics.

To work it out you need to read this or, try this script below…

mem_size=`svmon | grep memory | awk '{print $2}'`
page_size=`svmon | grep pg | grep -v inuse | awk '{print $3}'`
(( total_virt = mem_size + page_size ))
(( total_virt_kb = total_virt * 4 ))
vmstat_sample=`vmstat 1 2 | tail -1`
vmstat_avm=`echo $vmstat_sample | awk '{print $3}'`
vmstat_fre=`echo $vmstat_sample | awk '{print $4}'`
(( free_mem = vmstat_fre * 4 ))
(( avm_mem = vmstat_avm * 4 ))
vm_used=$(echo "scale=2;${avm_mem}/${total_virt_kb}"|bc -l)
vm_perc_used=$(echo "scale=2;${vm_used}*100"|bc -l)
(( vm_avail = 100 - vm_perc_used ))
echo "Virtual Memory Used (%) = $vm_perc_used"
echo "Virtual Memory Free (%) = $vm_avail"

The figures from this should match what ITM is telling you.