Chutney (formerly Arena)
37-39 Duke St
Saint Helens,
WA10 2JE
01744 730 550

This place, formerly reviewed under The Arena, and re-evaluated last night in the prescence of Eej, Rob and Tracey, did not disappoint.

After the usual pops and pickles,  starters  consisted of Sag Aloo, shami kebab, lamb chops and mushroom puri. All were up to standard, with only a puri left because of Tracey’s current diet.

Mains included chicken shalamar, chicken pathia, chicken chilli masala, and lanka chicken.

As usual the shalamar was a delight to behold with its omelette topping and green chilli pieces to fire things up. Rob’s usual huffing began after several remarks that the chicken chilli masala should really be called chilli masala with a bit a chicken on account of its heat. Tracey’s lanka was equally spicy. No complaints from Eej on his pathia.

Despite the chilli heat everybody agreed the food was very tasty.

Still well worth a visit when you’re in the area.

Just over £80 for the 4 of us including drinks.