I should have made a note of this in the past as I needed it today, so here are some example ITM agent commands:

Start/stop individual agent

/opt/ibm/itm/bin/itmcmd agent start ul
/opt/ibm/itm/bin/itmcmd agent stop ul

Start/stop all agents

/opt/ibm/itm/bin/itmcmd agent start all
/opt/ibm/itm/bin/itmcmd agent stop all

Check status of agents

/opt/ibm/itm/bin/cinfo -r

…this shows something like…

*********** Wed Sep  7 10:52:59 BST 2011 ******************
User: root Groups: system bin sys security cron audit lp
Host name : EUGSLALWAS001        Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITM
Host           Prod  PID      Owner  Start  ID    ..Status
EUGSLALWAS001  px    6815772  root   Jul18  None  ...running
EUGSLALWAS001  ul    3276800  root   Jul18  None  ...running
EUGSLALWAS001  ux    8388760  root   Jul18  None  ...running
EUGSLALWAS001  yn    5963818  root   Jul18  None  ...running

To configure (or reconfigure) an agent you can use…

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config -A lz

In this case we are configuring the linux lz agent, and it will prompt you for the settings. Restart the agent when you’re done.